
PROJAN has been operating on the market for over 30 years.Throughout that period we have been delivering services and products  of utmost  quality  to our clients. In 2013 we have launched a project named:


In a newly-built manufacturing and service centre in Torun we started manufacturing dry ice and opened drying services with  the use of solidified  carbon dioxide. Our experience and work  is based on cooperation with the best companies in the business.To produce the pellet  we use high-tech equipment from American company Cold Jet which ensures the  best quality  of the  final product. Our innovative approach  to the market  together with open and flexible attitude to our customers' expectations are the key to our mutual success.

The implemented procedures and quality control during each manufacturing phase allow us to offer  a product which can be used in each branch and field of industry. Our mobile cleaning equipment can work anywhere and at any time.For our clients we have created special workstations with rich infrastructure where  we provide  cleaning services within our facility.

Have a closer look at our detailed offer.

PROJAN - Everything you always wanted to know about Dry Ice


Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Usługowo-Handlowe „PROJAN” Jan Prokopek jest beneficjentem projektu nr RPKP.05.02.02-04-188/09 pn. „Zakup nieruchomości zabudowanej, maszyn i sprzętu rehabilitacyjnego w celu dywersyfikacji działalności przedsiębiorstwa PROJAN w Toruniu” współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej i budżetu państwa.